Shipping & Delivery Policy
Shipping Method: All orders are shipped via reliable carriers such as UPS, FedEx, or First-Class shipping, ensuring the quickest delivery time to your destination.
Order Acknowledgement: You will receive an order receipt/acknowledgement within 1 working day. This will be sent to the email address you provide. If you provide an incorrect email address, please contact us at to update your information.
Manufacturing Time:
- Leather Jackets: Each leather jacket is meticulously crafted in 5 to 7 working days.
Shipping Time:
- Leather Jackets: Once your jacket is ready, it will be delivered to your destination within 5 to 7 days.
Total Delivery Time:
- Leather jackets: 12 to 15 working days
All orders will be delivered directly from our factory to you. You can track your shipment using the tracking code provided.
For Custom Orders:
Custom orders require more time due to the personalized process. The minimum delivery time for custom-made leather jackets, shoes, or handbags is approximately 3 weeks. This includes the entire process from digital illustrations and pattern-making to cutting and finishing as outlined in our GO CUSTOM process.